Monday, January 26, 2009

hiking checklists

All campers will need some type of lantern gas, battery, or candle. Planning a rock climbing trip is the same as going for an adventurous trip.

Judging by the many accessories in today's RV's, roughing it may not mean the same as it did years ago. Indoor climbing is a good place to start because it is far less intimidating to ease your way into the sport. Hiking not only physically stimulates you, but mentally as well.

You will find that your SUV will help you to save a lot of money that you would have to put into a tank of gas for an RV. Always carry a map and compass while travelling. Depending on where you are going and how far you are hiking, you may be quite comfortable in a three-season tent.

Chances are, you'll never go back to heavy socks and boots if you get blisters. There are many ways to experience camping, so get out there and go for it.

camping tarp - for basic camping

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